Sunday, 11 October 2015

Ganon's Castle Trials

This is a very small festival/event that is geared specifically towards the NSW competitive Sm4sh Bros community. This weekly event usually involves members playing the game with each other in a more casual, friendly and relaxed format rather than competitive but it does change depending on the week.

A usually week involves the community playing friendly matches and experimenting with different formats depending on community feedback (customs, time, stock formats) as well as legalities of certain game elements. Matches are also recorded in order to be critiqued by the top level power ranked players in order help better the proficiency of the community.

Once a month a competitive event is held with a small guaranteed cash prized for the highest ranked non-power ranking member in order to encourage the growth of our scene and strength of players. This is of course accompanied by a live stream of the event and commentary in order to emulate the pressure of playing at nationals as well as live and recorded feedback.

Now other festival activities involve the traditional pizza party as well as drunk trash talk. This weekly event however is held free of charge and money is only involved when pooling for a cash prize.

Event: Ganon's Castle Trials
Date: Friday (re-ocurring)
Location: Lidcombe, James Street

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